At the time of its authorization by President Biden in September 2022, EO 14084 recognized arts, culture, and humanities as being vital to the “well-being, health, vitality, and democracy of our Nation.” It paved the way for federal agencies to be more actively involved in supporting creative and cultural institutions, ensuring their benefits are accessible to everyone, including underserved and underrepresented communities. It also called for increased funding and support for museums, libraries, and arts initiatives, ensuring they have the resources to serve their communities effectively.
Federal support of arts and culture is essential to ensuring these benefits reach all Americans and their communities.
The Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council affirms that our nation’s creative and cultural assets are vital to our education, economic growth, and social cohesion. As our CEO Patrick Fisher stressed in the post-election statement we published in November, the arts must be protected. Federal support of arts and culture is essential to ensuring these benefits reach all Americans and their communities. While it is still unclear how President Trump’s decision to rescind Executive Order 14084 will impact the arts nationally and locally, we will continue to monitor the impact of this action and share opportunities to take action as they arise.