Arts Blog

Midterm Election and the Arts: 2022 Candidate Q&A

With the 2022 midterm election just days away, the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council collaborated with its arts advocacy counterparts across the state to ask the candidates about their support for the arts and culture sector, if elected.

Each candidate was sent the same set of questions, as seen below, asking them to respond based on their own knowledge and stance of the issues. Only John Fetterman, candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, responded to our Q&A in time for publication. 

Editor's Note: We did not receive responses from the following campaigns: Dr. Mehmet Oz (R), Josh Shapiro (D), and Doug Mastriano (R). 

John Fetterman: Candidate for U.S. Senator 

What role do you see for arts & culture in Pennsylvania’s economic and community development? 

Arts and culture are integral to the wellbeing of a community. In many communities across Pennsylvania, the arts and culture are responsible for job opportunities and economic stimulation through tourism and consumer purchases. 

There hasn't been an increase to the state budget “grants to arts and culture” line item since FY2016, and the current funding level is still just 62% of what it was at its height in FY 2002; would you support an increase for grants to arts and culture? 

The arts and culture are extremely important and I believe that we should increase grant funding. 

Arts and culture are vital components in building the solutions that will strengthen our neighborhoods, engage and educate our youth, increase our economic competitiveness, and retain our businesses and residents. In what ways would you leverage artists and arts organizations to address your priorities for the state of Pennsylvania? Similarly, how will you support arts and culture organizations and artists in Pennsylvania? 

I believe that the arts will be instrumental in building and rebuilding communities all around Pennsylvania. If I were in the Senate, I would work closely with arts and culture organizations to find ways to help our communities thrive. 

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, portrait provided by the official Flickr account of Governor Tom Wolf
Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, portrait provided by the official Flickr account of Governor Tom Wolf

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, portrait provided by the official Flickr account of Governor Tom Wolf

Arts and culture are an essential component of a well-rounded education and developing active, engaged citizens in our state. In what way would you support arts education as governor (or senator)? 

The arts are extremely valuable in shaping young minds by promoting expression, creativity, and teaching new skills. For years, school boards looking to make cuts have gone directly at the arts programs, cutting dance, music, visual arts, theater, and other programs from their curriculums first. If I were in the Senate, I would fight for increased education funding so that schools won’t have to decide between updated textbooks or the arts.

Cultural districts support thriving economies and build community through diversity, education, and enjoyment of the arts. The impact of cultural districts can be felt across adjacent industries such as restaurants, parking, and shops. How will you support and foster the targeted growth of cultural districts across the state of Pennsylvania? 

We have to make our communities more arts and culture friendly. That means working with culture and arts groups and programs to increase their visibility and accessibility. It also means increased funding for organizations looking to bring their business to our communities. 

What is your favorite memory of an arts & culture experience in Pennsylvania? 

My favorite memory would have to be Swoon’s first art studio gallery, which happened in my family’s garage in our home. 

This Q&A was a collaboration between the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council, the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, and Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania


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