Become a Grant Panelist

Every year, the Arts council engages artists, arts managers, and community engagement professionals as grant panelists to select the recipients of our grant programs. We work hard to balance the composition of these panels by artistic discipline, race/ethnicity, ability, arts experience, and gender expression. We welcome you to apply to share your expertise as a grant panelist.

To apply, please review the information below, then complete and submit the application form to be added to a list of prospective panelists.

Panelists are selected on a rolling basis and will be contacted by the grants team if selected. We cannot guarantee that everyone submitting the form will be asked to serve on a panel. Grantmaking staff at the Arts Council are exempt from applying to Arts Council-led grants. Other Arts Council staff and board members may only be eligible to apply for grant opportunities that are chosen by an external panel.

If you have questions about becoming a grant panelist, please email Mona Wiley, Grantmaking Manager, or call 412-391-2060 ext. 226.

Creative Sector Flex Fund Grant Panels

  • Meetings last one full day.
  • 30 applications are reviewed by the group in-person.
  • Prior to this, panelists register and review applications with an online grant platform.

Learn more about Creative Sector Flex Fund grants.