Black woman wearing glasses, a colorful scarf, dark jacket, and a light cap

Gloria Mwarage


Host of The Creative Hive, July 2024 Website July 2024

Gloria Mwarage aka GNM is a multi-instrumental, multi-genre, musician based in Pittsburgh. She earned her B.S. in Audio Production from Carnegie Mellon University.

At CMU, she mastered her way around a studio and learned the fundamentals of music theory, both as engineer and composer. This led to her role as Music Technologist at sleep tech company, Bryte. At Bryte, she used proprietary software to create, deploy, and test
multi-sensory Somnify content. She also composed and produced several pieces that are key to the Somnify experience on the Bryte Balance Bed.

After this role, she ventured out on her own and began releasing her own music. Her first album, “Search For Home,” was released in December 2022. This was a deeply self-reflective album where she explored the concept of home. What is it? Where is it? Who is it? During this time, she began exploring the Pittsburgh music scene and stumbled into an Open Improvisation Lab hosted by the Pittsburgh Sound Preserve. Here, she met other wonderful, local musicians who she was able to connect and be in community with.

One of the musicians she met was Trē Abalos, a classically trained flutist. They began playing together and soon formed their ambient flute and guitar duo, GLO-TREE. They soon became performance staples in the scene and frequented venues like The Mattress Factory, Bantha Tea Bar, The Government Center, and Signal Sauna. Their sound is a calm, unique sound that elevates the mood of an event.

GLO-TREE is currently in the final editing stages of their debut EP anticipated to be released in July 2024.