Mia Hooper
Chief Operating Officer 412.391.2060 x222 mhooper@pittsburghartscouncil.org
Joined the Arts Council in May 2019
Oversees the organization's internal staff, systems, and processes. Mia also translates the Arts Council’s strategic priorities into actionable and sustainable steps for the organization.
You might know me from: As the former Finance and Development Coordinator at Attack Theatre, as Board President of Handmade Arcade
Artistic Practices: At-home dance parties!
Astrological sign: Cancer
Best concert I've ever attended: Backstreet Boys Millennium Tour at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College. I was 9. It was life-changing.
Where you might spot me: Exploring markets and museums around the city with my son, devouring chili chicken and spinach paneer from Salem's Market and Grille, meeting with small arts leaders to talk funding